Our News – Healing Sea Country: Student Of The Year Nomination

On March 15th, 2023, three outstanding Envirotech Education Healing Sea Country students of the 10749NAT Certificate II in Marine Habitat Conservation and Restoration were chosen to be nominated for Indigenous Student of the year. 

From these students, Eli and Ke have been selected into the final 5 top indigenous students of the year for Brisbane and Logan/ Gold Coast and are having their phone interviews this week.

We are so proud of these students, who have shown incredible pace, consistency and leadership throughout the course. 

Here is a small snippet from their answers from the application…

Ke Spicer

Ke Spicer from Kamilaroi mob Finalist

What other qualities or activities do you feel would be useful in your role as Vocational Student of the Year? 

I’m very passionate about caring for the country and as student of the year I would have a voice for all the animals and for the country that doesn’t have a voice, I could speak up about conservation and helping protect nature. I would be genuine and kind and hopefully inspire other indigenous kids to help protect.

What other community or industry involvement have you had?

I have been supporting at Woodridge High school, helping the other indigenous kids who are enrolling in the new class. With my new course I’m starting for TAE, it’s great to have an opportunity to be in the community and get experience in a classroom setting. Jasmin has been great at helping me get involved and even though I’m quiet, she’s helped me become more confident by giving me these opportunities to step up Infront of a class and speak about my experiences.” Ke Spicer (Kamilaroi mob)

Eli Gilsenan

Eli Gilsenan from Quandamooka mob


“I had just graduated high school and decided Uni wasn’t the best fit for me at the time when I learnt about the course. I’ve always been extremely passionate about sea country as I basically grew up on it so seeing an opportunity to diversify my knowledge was 100% intriguing to me. Plus, I needed something to do. 

I feel really privileged to have undertaken this course as it provides an insight into a world that I only saw from a surface level. It has invigorated me to strive further into marine restoration and conservation space.

I have gained a more technical knowledge of the sea country. I know skills now on how to use mapping, to take measurements and recordings of data, learned diving, threats to sea country and what as an individual, as well as a collective, on how we can strive to make a difference just to name a few.

I have been in direct contact with my trainers who are striving to support my vision. Which may I say have an immense gratitude for. This course has truly invoked my passion for sea country. I feel really compelled to take care of sea country.” 

Brianna Morrison

Brianna Morrison from Gooreng Gooreng Mob


 “ I chose this course because I have always been interested in the marine world and knew that it would expand both my knowledge and interests of the marine environment. Not only that, but I wanted to prove to myself that I could achieve something on the side, whilst balancing out school, work and my personal life. I knew that it was very convenient for me as the course is held locally, providing easier access to and from the practicals. As well as being a senior in high school, it is a great opportunity to gain more points towards my QCE and have that extra line of education through a different company that can be beneficial in the future. 


When I first started this course, I was very shy and was not as confident as I’d hoped to be, especially being around people that were unfamiliar to me. Over time, I learned to step out of my comfort zone and build new friendships with other students in the course, as well as conversating with my trainers if I had any questions or needed help. 

This course has changed the way I overcome challenges and deal with being in uncomfortable situations that I may not be familiar with. Because of this, I’ve become a more confident person and was able to form new bonds and relationships with other people.” Brianna Morrison (Gooreng Gooreng Mob)

Photos from the Award Ceremony